Send letters online "Gain back your time and money" - "end of wasting time"

Queues at the post office, gluing envelopes or cuttings from paper – All of that can be in the past thanks to the service of My letter. Thanks to the well-arranged application, you can send your letter without worrying, faster, cheaper and especially online. Service My letter is available to everyone that wants to save time, money and nerves.

You don't have to go to the post office anymore

You do not have to go to the post office In today’s hurried times, our time has the highest value. Wouldn’t it be more comfortable instead of going to the post office to relax? And that’s why we are here, MY LETTER. We will print your writing for you, put it in an envelope and take it to the post office, and all this only for postage.

Upload the letter through the app

We will print out the letter and prepare it for sending

We will send your letter the next business day.

It is that easy! Just log in to our app and start sending letters online.

For who is our service intended?

The answer is easy – Whoever, who wants to save time, stress and money. We will take care of your personal or corporate correspondence from printing to delivery. All in full compliance with the Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and we guarantee you for this. 


Bulk mail

You can use this service to send letters all over the world, from as little as 1 piece. We print, package and ship them the next business day.

Marketing letters

If you need to send leaflets, brochures or catalogues whitin the Czech or Slovak Republic, use this service. We will prepare and ship the shipment for. You whitin 5 working days and we can also pack a sample of the product.

Save time and money

Send us a list of contacts and content of the letter and we will arrange everything else for you!

How easy is registration? Look at our videol

Price list

Vyberte si vhodný tarif podle toho, kolik měsíčně posíláte. Tento tarif si můžete kdykoliv změnit. Veškeré ceny jsou uvedeny včetně DPH.

No registration

I am sending up to 10 letters
Usually up to 50g CR
By registered post up to 50g CR
Overview of the status of sent letters
Administration of senders and addressees
Confirmation of sending to e-mail
Card payment before shipping
Obyčejně do 50 g ČR – 45 Kč

I send over 10 letters

My Letter 49
Usually up to 50g CR
By registered post up to 50g CR
Overview of the status of sent letters
Administration of senders and addressees
Confirmation of sending to e-mail
Document management + shared storage 150 MB
User administration
Obyčejně do 50 g ČR – 37 Kč
Doporučeně do 50 g ČR – 92 Kč

I send over 50 letters

My Letter 149
Usually up to 50g CR
By registered post up to 50g CR
Overview of the status of sent letters
Administration of senders and addressees
Confirmation of sending to e-mail
Document management + shared storage 150 MB
User administration
Obyčejně do 50 g ČR – 35,50 Kč
Doporučeně do 50 g ČR – 88 Kč

I send over 100 letters

My Letter 249
Usually up to 50g CR
By registered post up to 50g CR
Overview of the status of sent letters
Administration of senders and addressees
Confirmation of sending to e-mail
Document management + shared storage 150 MB
User administration
Obyčejně do 50 g ČR – 34,50 Kč
Doporučeně do 50 g ČR – 84 Kč

Are you sending more then 1000 pieces of marketing letters all over Czech Republic?

Who are we?

Odesílání dopisů rovnou od stolu, patří mezi kroky, které realizujeme díky naší více než 15 let dlouhé zkušeností v oblasti digitálních služeb, s řízením vymáhacího procesu pohledávek v mezinárodních inkasních společností. Podíleli jsme se na uskutečnění inovativních řešeních pro vymáhání pohledávek za fyzické osoby i podnikatele i společnosti. Naším klientům jsme pomohli za vrátit zpět více než 1mld Kč a pomohli jsme jím nastavit ty správné procesy správy pohledávek. Tato zkušenost nás donutila se zamyslet nad tím, kde všude lze ušetřit nejen čas, ale i peníze. Začali jsme od těch nejběžnějších administrativních věcí a zjistili, že pokud získáme čas, který trávíme přípravou korespondence a cestou na poštu, dokážeme tak nejen získat tak drahocenný čas, ale i ušetřit peníze a energii. Rozhodli jsme se proto tuto službu zpřístupnit nejen jednotlivcům, ale i společnostem, nebo drobným živnostníkům.

Do you wish for a tailor-made solution or do you have any questions about our service? Do not hesitate to contact us and together we will find the best solution.

    Choose your suitable tariff

    Do you not know which one is the most suitable for you? Try to describe to us, what your needs are. Are you interested in:

    Approximate number of letters per campaign or monthly:

    TRILU Contact s.r.o.

    Na Hádku 1149

    107 00 Praha –⁠ Dubeč
